Sicilian oranges "Tarocco"
Sicilian oranges "Tarocco"
Produced in Palagonia, CATANIA (SICILIA)
Availability January-March
Tarocco Oro Rosso oranges are a variety of Sicilian oranges and, together with the other varieties, they certainly constitute one of the icons of this island.
These very fragrant oranges of excellent quality can only grow in Sicily, where a combination of climatic and environmental factors combine.
The main property that distinguishes the Tarocco orange from normal oranges is obviously the intense characteristic color, which as we have seen is different for each variety. The red color is due to the presence, in small quantities in the peel but especially in the juice, of pigments called anthocyanins. These substances are polyphenols, and like many of the substances belonging to this class, they have a marked antioxidant activity and are rich in vitamin C.
Indeed, Tarocco oranges are beneficial for:
- reduce cellular aging due to oxidative stress
- protecting the cardiovascular system.
- reduced risk of developing various types of cancer.
- widely enhance the immune system, liver and intestinal function
- protecting eye cells, preventing vision problems.
It is recommended to store them in cool places.
PS: The red veins are depending on the cold weather and sometimes in the first period they will not be visible. However this will not affect the amazing taste they have.