Sicilian Mandarins/Clementins Nova
Sicilian Mandarins/Clementins Nova
Produced in Palagonia, CATANIA (SICILIA)
The clementine takes its name from its discoverer, Clément Rodiernova. It comes from the cross of the mandarin with the sweet orange. In fact, it takes the best of both, the thin and adherent peel to the fruit and the particularly sweet taste. The color of the pulp is an intense orange. They have a high content of vitamin C , so much so that 2 clementines are enough to satisfy the daily requirement.
- Deep orange pulp
- Seedless
- Thin skin that adheres to the fruit
- Particularly sweet flavour
- Availability November-January
The clementine tree is very similar to the mandarin tree, with slightly larger leaves. Clementine plantations thrive very well in warm and temperate areas, like Sicily.
Indeed in Italy, Sicily is one of the regions where the best nova clementines proliferate and ripen, thanks not only to the warm climate they can benefit from but also to the soil very rich in mineral salts, which give the Sicilian clementine a very sweet, full and rich aroma and flavor. In some areas of Italy the clementine is commonly called mandarancio.
Clementines and mandarins are two very similar fruits but they are not the same thing. The main difference is that mandarin has seeds inside while the clementines do not. A further difference is in the taste, because the nova clementines have a very sweet taste unlike the mandarin which has a more sour aftertaste, a bit like lemon.
It is recommended to store them in cool places.